International Scholarship Programme 2024



Register Your Interest

This scholarship is fully funded by Visy, exclusive for children/grandchildren/siblings of permanent employee’s of Visy.  The winning students from Australia and New Zealand will spend 6-8 weeks in either Turkey, France or Italy learning the language & culture and living with a local family.

Enquire about sending your child with AFS

Scholarship Value and What's Included

This Visy Scholarship is valued at $10,000

  • All international flights and transfers in your host country
  • Host family placement – homestay with all meals included during 6-8 week stay
  • Pre-departure, on arrival and an optional re-orientations
  • 24/7 support from AFS in your host country and from AFS New Zealand
  • Comprehensive medical and liability insurance

Are you Eligible?

  • At the start of your programme you need to be:
    Turkey – between 15 and 18 years old
    Italy – between 15.3 and 17.9 years old
    France – between 14.6 and 17.9 years old
  • Be in good physical and mental health
  • Have an interest in learning the culture and language
  • For France: a minimum of 2 years learning French
    For Italy: 20 hours of online learning through Busuu (supplied to you by AFS) before arrival
  • Capable of adjusting to new experiences and environments, and open to adjusting to cultural difference
  • Provide programme report to the sponsor at the end of your programme
  • Child/Grandchild/Sibling of a permanent employee working for Visy

Let AFS guide your intercultural adventure

AFS provides comprehensive orientation for all students and families before, during and after your exchange – AFS volunteers will be there to support and guide you the whole way through! In-person orientation camps in New Zealand and your host country are supplemented by our world-leading online Student Learning Journey, which is an interactive course that brings AFSers from around the world together to develop essential global skills, learn intercultural communication techniques, and practice social impact. This journey will help you maximise your experience, cope with the challenges of navigating a new culture and community, and gain knowledge, skills, and a global understanding throughout your time abroad and as you return to your home country. Find out more about our educational expertise here!