Guatemalan modern cities, ancient indigenous ruins, volcanoes and jungles make the perfect setting for your intercultural experience. Explore beautiful nature of this country, together with its rich and distinct culture, characterized by a fusion of Spanish and indigenous influences.

People & Community

Guatemalan families like to spend time together during meals and at family gatherings. Parents are usually very protective of their children, especially girls. In smaller towns, people might greet you on the street, even if they don’t know you. A simple “buenos días” is a great sign of hospitality.


You will probably attend a private school, especially if your host siblings go to one. All students in Guatemala wear uniforms and attend school from 7 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. You can participate in different sports at school.


Having a basic knowledge of English or Spanish will be an asset in the beginning and will help you learn more. Local volunteers may help arrange independent language study for you during the first months.


Traditional Guatemalan dishes are usually based on Maya cuisine. You can expect to taste lots of maize, chilies and black beans. It is customary to eat certain foods on certain days of the week, such as paches (a kind of potato tamale) on Thursdays, or fiambre (a special kind of salad) for All Saints’ Day, or tamales and ponche (fruit punch), around Christmas.

Let AFS guide your intercultural adventure

With over 75 years of experience in student exchanges, we know what we’re doing when it comes to support and education! AFS provides comprehensive orientation for all students and families before, during and after your exchange – AFS volunteers and staff will be there to support and guide you the whole way through. In-person orientation camps in New Zealand and your host country are supplemented by our world-leading online Student Learning Journey, an interactive course that brings AFSers from around the world together to develop essential global skills, learn intercultural communication techniques, and practice social impact. This journey will help you maximise your experience, cope with the challenges of navigating a new culture and community, and gain knowledge, skills, and a global understanding throughout your time abroad and as you return to your home country. Find out more about our educational expertise here!